Entoloma violaceoviride Arnolds & Noordel.       Billedgalleri   Hjem




Entoloma violaceoviride is known from calcareous grasslands in SW-Norway, probably mainly in coastal areas.

E. violaceovirde belongs to Section Asprella which is relatively like species in  Section Poliopodes. The species have brownish translucently striate pilei and glossy  bluish stipe. Six species are found in Norway. These are in addition to E. violaceoviride, E. asprellum, E. lividocyanulum, E. exile, E. timidum og. E. cyaneoliliacinum (Brandrud et. al 2023).






Similar species

Up to 30 mm, blue squamulose

White often with bluish tinge

Sp. 8.5 -11.5 µm Lamella edge is fertile to sterile

 Up to 50 x 5mm  bluish turning greenish with age

Svartblå rødspore E. chalybaeum og
E. cyaneoliliacinum



Økologi/Indikatorverdi: Not among the most common grasslandfungi in Norway. Grows in grassland with many seldom and redlisted species. It seems to prefer cacareous grasslands. Can probably be a good indicator for valuable grassland and possibly a species of norwegian responsibility.


Funnperiode i Norge: From end of September till beginning of October.


Redliscategory: DD - data-deficient





Noordeloos, M.E. 1992. Entoloma s.1 Fungi Europaei vol 5. Saronno, Italia.

Noordeloos, M.E. 2004. Entoloma supplement. Fungi Europaei vol 5a, Saronno,

Noordeloos, ME, Morotova O, Ima B, Reschke K, Jansen G, Brandrud TE,
        Jordal, JB, Bendiksen E, Vila J. 2022. Entoloma s.l. Flora agaricina neerlandica,
        vol. 1, supplement. subgenera Cyanula, Leptonia, Nolanea, Trichophilus, and
        the /Rhombisporum clade. Candusso Editrice .
Brandrud TE, Bendiksen E, Jordal JB, Weholt Ø, Dima B, Noordeloos ME. 2023.
        Entoloma species of subgenus Cyanula Tricholomatinae, Basidiomycota) in
        Norway, with emphasis on habitat preferences and distribution. Agarica vol 43: 85-137.